Empower managers to put wellbeing at the heart of their leadership approach with this practical and immersive online course.
The relationship between managers and their team members is key for the health and wellbeing of the whole organisation. Delivered by workplace mental health experts, this course builds skills in your leaders to feel confident to have mental health conversations as part of their everyday management.
Benefits of Mental Health Skills for Managers
Managers who are able to support the mental health of their teams will encourage employees to thrive, increasing talent retention. Providing this training to everyone with people management responsibilities will ensure a consistent approach to mental health and wellbeing across teams and departments, promoting healthy performance throughout the whole organisation.
Managers will learn to:
- Identify if an employee may be experiencing mental health issues
- Feel confident having open conversations about mental health with their team members
- Appropriately signpost to available support and know where to go for support and guidance for themselves
- Role model good self-care practice, inspiring their teams to look after their own mental health and wellbeing
Four hour course delivered through the MHFA England Online Learning Hub
Immersive live training session, led by an experienced Instructor Member
Flexible integrated platform gives learners opportunities to practice embedding their skills through group activities and discussions to share best practice
The course can be delivered to a maximum of 16 people to allow for rich discussion
Everyone who completes the course gets:
- A certificate of attendance
- Tools to take care of their own mental health as a manager and empower their teams
- Digital workbook to use during the course
- Digital support resource to help embed ongoing learning and development
Available from July 11th 2023